Sunday, May 23, 2010

In the Perspective of Amado Guevara

I would say that my country perceives our team as an inspiration. So many kids look up to us because they have the exact same dreams we did when we their age, and we are showing them that you can be from anywhere and achieve your goals. When we reach South Africa I hope that we reach the semi-finals because we would be so close to winning and if we don't then I will be so proud of how far we've come and I wouldn't be able to be disappointed about anything we accomplished. Also I hope to make our country proud because we represent not only ourselves as a team but we represent our country too. If we won then our country would be so proud of us and would have a lot of pride to be able to say we have the best soccer team in the world. I think that also we would be highly praised by all of our fans because we won. If we lost then I don't think that our country would completely hate us but they would be really disappointed that we lost. If we lost I think I would be more disappointed then my country. Hopefully we at least go back with at least making it to the semi-finals because then we could go back with out heads held high. Winning the world cup is something my team and I have been striving for for years. I hope that we represent our country well and that we make them proud.


  1. Wow good job!!! That's the way to think about it.
    Way to represent the underdogs

  2. this is very well put sammy. amado is probably pretty sad because chili dominated them...

  3. good job Sammy! its a good thing that we are being positive towards our team and no matter what happens we would still be proud of our team. even though they lost against chili and didn't make it into the world cup, its okay because were growing to become a stronger team each year! yay for the Honduras soccer team, the under dogs!!!! hahahahaha :D and no karlin im not a stuck up! its called being educational fool!!

  4. okay i guess we did pick a sucky team, hahaha :)

  5. sorry this computer is being dumb!!! but good job Sammy!!! its a good thing that we are being positive towards our team even though we lost against chili. each year were going to become stronger to take home victory for our country. lets go under dogs!!

  6. amandas computer isn't working... she says:

    good job Sammy!! its a sad thing that our team lost against chili but its a good thing that we are being positive about it! and each year we will become a stronger team so we can take back home victory.

  7. yes thank you karlin for doing that for me, the school computer was being lame so now im using my house computer (so much better) GOOD JOB SAMMY!!! were going get an A! and FYI we chose a team that sucks big time, but yay for underdogs!! hahahahaha:)

  8. They don't suck that bad. I mean seriously vask doesn't just pick a bad team. As Amando Guevara said: "Our country persieves our team as an inspiration. No matter where you come from you can still achieve your goals"

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. wow! now all the comments that didnt show up show up! lame...
